Category Archives: FREE Videos

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Bill on his education: Lip-reading to ASL

Bill talks about his early education, being mainstreamed and how reading and lip-reading played a role.  He still has a memento from when he was first introduced to sign language at age fifteen.  What do you think it is?  More from Bill in the documentary series, Silent Memoirs - Life Stories From the Deaf....

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Kenya’s Dreams for Deaf Children of Hearing Parents

Kenya shares her hopes for deaf children of hearing parents.  She tells an interesting story related to cochlear implants and describes the expectations her father had for her that helped shape her view of the world. Originally published in 2010....

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Cochlear Implant at 43, Videophone and Early Technology

Bill explains why he had a cochlear implant at age 43 and why he later stopped using it. “I was born hearing but became deaf at the age of seven. Grew up oral but in my 20s learned ASL and began to become familiar with the deaf world. Now fairly fluent in ASL and feel am a member of deaf...

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